Vamsiram Jyothi galaxy, 1st floor, Kavuri hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad at the Avni Dermatology and Aesthetics Clinic is a game-changing option that can drastically reduce your underarm perspiration. Dr. Lakshmi Sowjanya, a trained dermatologist, has seen excellent outcomes with this modern technology. Let’s take a closer look at what Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is and how it can help you restore your confidence!

Sweating is a normal occurrence that can occur for a variety of reasons and at any time of the year. Some people suffer from excessive perspiration, which causes pain as well as body odour. When you have underarm sweat stains on your clothes or need an anti-perspirant deodorant to help you with an unpleasant smell, it can be uncomfortable or humiliating. Excessive sweating affects around one in every ten people worldwide. Certain medical disorders may also induce excessive perspiration.

Because stress reactions can trigger sweat glands to generate sweat, stress management and anxiety-reduction approaches can assist you in modulating your stress response and minimising your physiological sweat response.

In the armpit area, there are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands cover the majority of the body and produce odourless perspiration. Apocrine glands (sometimes known as “odour glands”) release a thick, pungent-smelling fluid that contributes significantly to body odour. Nerves that respond to temperature changes trigger eccrine sweat glands. The neurotransmitter norepinephrine activates apocrine glands, making them sensitive to emotional changes such as fear, desire, and stress.

MiraDry treatment in Hyderabad kills both types of glands and hair follicles. The outcomes are not only instantaneous but also permanent—sweat and odour glands are killed and will not regenerate.

While sweating is an important biological function for temperature regulation, the underarms only contain around 2% of the body’s sweat glands. According to specialists, the removal of these sweat glands should have no effect on body thermoregulation, and compensatory sweating (sweating on other body areas, which is typical following ETS surgery) has not been demonstrated to be a problem. MiraDry treatment in Hyderabad costs a lot, depending on your condition and mode of treatment. We recommend that you consult Avni Aesthetics first before opting for the Miradry treatment in Hyderabad. Discuss the acceptance of health insurance and the cost of treatment to avoid any unnecessary communication gaps later on. Get clear information on payment options and pricing plans.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is an FDA-approved procedure to treat axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive underarm odour and sweat). It uses noninvasive microwave technology. A handheld device targets the skin where sweat glands reside, resulting in the thermolysis of the sweat glands. While sweat glands are being removed by electromagnetic technology, the top layers of the skin are cooled and protected. Sweat glands do not grow back after this procedure, so patients can benefit from a permanent reduction in sweat and odour. This treatment is safe and effective. Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is a promising procedure for those who suffer from excessive underarm sweating and odour, those who wish to minimise deodourants and antiperspirants, and those who want a long-lasting solution to excessive sweating.

The Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is intended for use by healthcare providers for unpleasant underarm perspiration and smell, commonly known as primary axillary hyperhidrosis in adults.

Make the following preparations before the Miradry treatment in Hyderabad:

  • Shave both of your underarms at least four to six days before the procedure.
  • Following that, refrain from shaving so that short hair is visible to help identify the region that has to be treated. Avoid wearing a sleeveless shirt in public for at least a week following your treatment, since the area may seem discoloured and swollen momentarily.
  • Use only gentle cleaning agents.
  • For one week before the treatment, wash your underarms in the shower with a different cleaner every day.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is performed in the clinic and takes about an hour. Local anaesthesia is administered in a grid pattern to the entire axilla before this treatment. The treatment cycle is activated after the handheld device is placed. When the device is activated, a vacuum is formed that gently draws the skin against the thin ceramic treatment plate. Cooling fluid flows underneath the plate, delivering cooling to the skin’s surface. Sensors guarantee that the skin is near the cooling surface. The microwave energy is then administered non-invasively and precisely via several antennae within the handheld device. The energy is supplied over a period of around 30 seconds, followed by a 20-second cooling period. The hoover is then released, and the audio signal stops, signalling the conclusion of the treatment cycle. Patients usually do not experience any discomfort during this treatment, and there is no downtime afterwards. Mild NSAIDs are prescribed for pain, as are ice packs for a few days. Keep the underarm area clean and dry. Most people return to work after this procedure but refrain from vigorous activities for a few days.

Dr. Laxmi Sowjanya, founder of Avni Dermatology and Aesthetics, discusses an effective therapy for a non-sweaty underarm. The MiraDry System, she claims, provides a safe, easy, and permanent solution to underarm perspiration.

The majority of patients report that Miradry treatment in Hyderabad was painless, with little or no downtime. However, the treatment’s negative effects might differ from person to person. The acute post-treatment adverse effects (such as oedema and numbness) are often transient. Only in rare cases does the numbness last. The most prevalent (and desirable) long-term adverse effect is a reduction in armpit hair. Dr. Laxmi Sowjanya also documented the following common side effects and normal healing times:

  • To maximise the patient’s comfort, local anaesthesia will be administered to the underarms before the procedure. However, some people may develop transient allergic responses as a result of anaesthesia.
  • Tingling may develop and will continue for less than 5 weeks.
  • Small pimples that can be felt beneath the skin
  • Deterioration of the skin
  • Partial hair loss
  • 1–8 weeks of swelling in the treated region
  • Soreness, pain, or discomfort (lasting 2 to 3 weeks)
  • Sensation changes in and around the treatment region (1–12 weeks)
  • Redness from the suction of the equipment (2–3 days)
  • Bruising at the injection sites (lasting 2 to 3 days)
  • Bumpy or lumpy armpits (4-6 weeks)

The amount of sweat reduction achieved by the Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is highly individual. Sweating is reduced by 82% on average in hyperhidrosis patients after two treatments. Some people who require additional sweat reduction may benefit from a third session. However, before proceeding with the third treatment, a healthcare expert should do a simple starch-iodine test to detect the source of the remaining sweating. As a result, the third therapy will be more targeted. Rarely, a person’s sweat glands may be too deep or too shallow for the microwave radiation to reach (the microwave energy acts in a zone 2mm to 5mm below the skin’s surface, where most sweat glands are located). Some people may also have “resistant” glands. Sweat glands are required for thermoregulation. The human body has between two and four million sweat glands on average. However, because the armpits contain just around 2% of the body’s sweat glands, deleting them will not diminish your body’s ability to cool down.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad has been shown to be more effective and long-lasting than alternative therapies for hyperhidrosis such as antiperspirants, oral medicines, or Botox injections, as these only temporarily address the symptoms of excessive underarm sweating. Underarm sweat and odour are permanently reduced, and one treatment yields immediate benefits.

Body odour increases throughout adolescence when androgens, or male hormones, increase. Because these hormones do not become active until puberty, body odour is not a concern in childhood. Sweating is the body’s method of temperature regulation. Sweat generates a scent when it comes into contact with microorganisms on the surface of your skin. That scent is referred to as body odour.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad causes the armpits to become red and inflamed. For the first few days, ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers are advised. It is better to arrange the treatment during the week when you have nothing planned. After a month, you should be in good form and notice a significant reduction in sweat beneath your armpits.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is absolutely safe for all skin types to use. It employs microwave radiation to target and destroy sweat glands in the underarms. Once these 2% glands in your underarms are removed, they do not regrow, and you will no longer have to struggle with underarm sweat and stink for the rest of your life.

Miradry treatment in Hyderabad takes around an hour to complete, and the benefits may be seen after just one Miradry treatment in Hyderabad. However, like with any medical operation, your doctor will decide the appropriate approach for the greatest results.

Maintain your focus on the treatment area at all times. Because your skin will be sensitive, wrap the ice pack in a towel to avoid frostbite.

  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate the discomfort and typical information that follows treatment.
  • To avoid infection in the treated region, use any over-the-counter antibiotic ointments suggested by a doctor for at least three days.
  • When your underarms are healing, keep them clean. Cleanse your underarms at least twice a day with a gentle cleanser.
  • For one week, refrain from shaving your underarms.
  • For the first 5 days after the surgery, do not use any deodorant or antiperspirant.
  • Wear apparel that is not irritating to your underarm skin.

The best dermatologist in Hyderabad is key when it comes to Miradry treatment. Your skin is a canvas that portrays your unique narrative, so it is critical to keep it healthy and bright. You are in luck if you live in Hyderabad, India. This thriving metropolis is home to some of the best dermatologists in the world, who can help you attain and maintain perfect skin treatment. A dermatologist is a surgeon who treats skin diseases, hair issues, nail infections, and complaints with mucous membranes. When it comes to finding the best Miradry treatment in Hyderabad, there is no need to look further. Dr. Laxmi Sowjanya provides treatment for underarm sweat at Avni Dermatology and Aesthetics.

Qualifications and credentials are important factors to consider while looking for a dermatologist. They must be qualified and possess the necessary skillset to carry out MiraDry treatment.

The location is also a significant consideration when selecting a dermatologist for Miradry treatment in Hyderabad. The quality of care you receive at clinics may be heavily influenced by their reputation. Check to see if the dermatologist’s schedule corresponds to your availability. Research the professionals and the clinic to ensure more consistent skin care.

Dr. Laxmi Sowjanya is a board-certified dermatologist with a stellar reputation. Her attention to patient happiness and commitment to perfection make her one of the best dermatologists in Hyderabad.

Look for online reviews and testimonials of Miradry treatments in Hyderabad. This can provide you with insights into a doctor’s reputation and the quality of care at their clinics. If your situation necessitates collaboration with other experts (for example, oncologists or plastic surgeons), see if the best dermatologist in Hyderabad has a referral network.

Dr. Laxmi Sowjanya is an outstanding communicator, thoroughly discussing your disease, treatment choices, and addressing your concerns. Choose a dermatologist who treats you with sensitivity and respect and who listens to your concerns.

Check to see if the clinic follows safety and hygiene protocols, especially if you’re considering Miradry treatment in Hyderabad.

Conclusion: Finding the Miradry treatment in Hyderabad is a crucial step towards odor- and sweat-free underarms. By considering qualifications, specialisation, experience, patient reviews, accessibility, technology, and cost, you can make an informed decision. It is critical that you feel at ease and trust the dermatologist. You should be comfortable and confident in the doctor’s advice and treatment.

The greatest dermatologists in Hyderabad are committed to assisting you in achieving your skincare objectives. Don’t allow skin problems to hold you back; instead, schedule an appointment with one of the prominent dermatologists in Hyderabad and begin your road to odourless and sweat-free underarms.

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